Danielle Jokinen
Personal Life & Spiritual CoachHelping you align to your highest potential
Hi, I’m Danielle! So great to drop in with you here. As a Life and Spiritual Coach, I support humans to live in the now! To be consistently in the right now, so that you can radiate and embody your truth and spirit. Align to your purpose, live it out unapologetically and leave a legacy of your own.
My Story
I was born ready to change the world. How do I know that? Because I see the beauty in all things and it has been my blessing and my kryptonite. Seeing the light in all things has lead me to live a vibrant life of living out my dreams and seeing something I want and making it happen. I grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where nature and beauty was naturally all around. I dove in the a majestic surroundings and connected to the divine. School, Sports and being myself was my thing. I wrote daily in my journal and supported my friends to live out their dreams as well.
I dove into the fitness world. Teaching aerobic classes, massage school and changing degrees from nursing to health and fitness management, I new that I wanted to help people be proactive in their health.
A relationship brought me to Minnesota and I dove my passions into a Fitness Industry, Personal Training, Teaching Group Fitness and Pilates. It was the place that I did my looking, listening of people. What is the consistent story, what causes pain in the mind and body and what things that I can offer will help them. I went through my own self to the self during that time with a major break up. I discovered my love again for yoga and connecting back to the divine. Why again am I here and how do I be the change in the world?
So I opened a Yoga Studio and through that I created a Yoga Program called YOD. I again made a dream come true and through that supported others to live out their dreams.
During the time with the yoga studio I was coaching people daily. I now have this platform to step up into supporting you to live out your highest potential your biggest dream. Lets enjoy the journey together!
My Values & Beliefs
Growth Mindset
A mindset that is in self reflection moment to moment and is open to a transformation. Not to what they think should happen, but what they want to take action on and create in lived out experiences.
A way of being with self and all things everywhere. Determined to get out of their own way and make connection happen for the greatness of the whole.
A state of being. We come from love and leave with love. In the middle we work to stay in that and remember are already that. Nothing to do or fix – just remembering to get back to that. That I am, I am that!
My Approach
I coach people to first get really present with the now moment. To get to the root cause of what is actually going on. From that space you can really go inward, look and get access to listen to the truth. From there we together and unwind and release anything that doesn’t serve you anymore. From that newly embodiment you can communicate to yourself and the world what and who you stand for. To then take the action steps for more connection and in alignment to what you want to create and contribute to your community. It is a process that never ends. You get to be the one to see how high you want to fly. You are ready now!

Featured Publications
- Pod Cast: Building Psychological Strength: April Seifert, Ph. D
- WTF us YOD? Philly Mag- Be well Philly
- New yoga studio opens in North Loop The Journal: Sarah Mckenzie
- MN Power Yoga Move: Southwest Journal: Eric Best
Yoga Classes and Meditations
- YOD Yoga Class
- Meditation on Awareness